Leica m8
Leica m8

leica m8

#Leica m8 manual#

(This is if I zoom in to critically focus the Leica CL using manual focus lenses). I did a photo shoot just before coming to Poland with the Leica M8 and the Leica CL and the Leica M is definitely faster to focus, no question. I said I thought both cameras about the same. Some one asked me how fast in the Leica CL to focus manually verses the Leica M cameras. I much prefer a Leica M camera in this regard. I find it quite unnerving especially for critical moments such as during a wedding ceremony. With the Leica CL when you take a photo the EVF goes black and you’re left in a panic as to what you are missing. This means you can anticipate the next photo and move as needed ready to catch the next moment/ picture. If you’ve never used a Leica M camera (nor a rangefinder camera) you won’t understand this point but it’s a big one! With a Leica M camera you never loose sight of your subject when you press the shutter. (with my bias rose-tinted glasses now removed!) 5 Dislikes of the Leica CL 1. I don’t need 4000+ very similar images to sort through thanks!)Ī2: Leica CL Review (Follow-Up) Likes+Dislikes (My digital photography is still single shot photography, not the DSLR machine-gun wedding approach. Some film cameras give more “keepers” than others.

leica m8

I tend not to shoot film cameras as fast as I do digital so I really need to nail the shot for my occasional film frames. say B&W only if using B&W film) and generally just more “information” to work with when it comes to processing the files in Lightroom (apply a LR Leica CL preset) / Photoshop. The Leica CL photos should nearly always be sharpen and have more dynamic range (can loose detail in shadows when shooting film) Digital files of the Leica CL gives the option of colour or black and white (vs.

leica m8

Digital photos are often shot quickly in the flow of the model so should normally catch better ‘moments’ that the occasional film photo. The odds are stacked strongly in favour of the Leica CL (or any digital camera) as I shoot perhaps a 100:1 digital to film ratio. The Leica CL should always capture the better photo “Interesting” may not mean “best” but I find digital all a bit too easy/ straightforward to be challenging. Those are the cameras that will capture the interesting photos for me. All the thought and time goes into deciding which film cameras to take. I just find I now pack the Leica CL without any thought as the “necessary digital camera” (for my model photography). Don’t get me wrong, when I shoot the Leica CL side by side with film cameras sometimes the Leica CL will catch the better moment /photo. If I want to get excited or creative with my photography I tend to select from the array of film cameras I use rather than think about a digital camera. Leica CL + Leica Summarit-M 50mm f2.5 Get Creative – with the Leica CL? The CL gets the job done and I am happy with the results and user interface (overall – see my likes and dislikes below). The Leica CL has now just become another tool for me similar to my Leica M240. It is great for a digital camera and does a good job for what it was designed for. I’ve always much preferred shooting film vs digital and I normally use digital to test ahead of shooting film (and to give clients a set of digital “instant” images). Suddenly many of the Leica CL photos that I had liked from those trips now lacked depth and interest somehow compared to the analogue versions of similar photos. Seeing the film scans reminded me what real photography is (for my taste). Where it went downhill was when I developed the film images from the two previous Leica CL shoots (Poland and Budapest). What killed the passion you ask? It was all seemingly going so well for you both you say. Am I dreaming what fun I want to have next with my new CL? Before yes, now no. The passion and excitement from when we first met has faded as fast as it arrived. This is now my third overseas model photography trip with the Leica CL and the Leica CL honeymoon (or “minimoon”as people call them now!) is officially over. Part A: Leica CL vs Leica M8 A1: Leica CL – 6 weeks after purchase – Thoughts Leica CL Honeymoon Part B: Film cameras & lenses I took to Poland + trip roundup.Part A: 6 weeks with the Leica CL (5 Likes 5 Dislikes) + CL vs M8 compared.Now with 6 weeks experience of using the camera I list my 5 Likes + 5 Dislikes of the CL, share more sample photos and include a Leica M8 vs Leica CL comparison. My 3rd overseas photo shoot using the new digital Leica CL camera (with Leica M lenses). Leica CL vs Leica M8 (+M Lenses)(Poland Photoshoot)

Leica m8